Monday, June 27, 2011

Hip Hip...HOORAY!

Friday marked the end of the school year! FINALLY! After taking my ethics class went out for a celebratory lunch at Big Bowl! I think it may be my new favorite restaurant....YUM :D

It was such a great year with these amazing people! SO blessed to be part of such an amazing class! celebrating surviving my first year of seminary/grad school and in moving towards my personal and professional goals, I bought a keyboard today!!! Well, my wonderful mommy bought me a keyboard as an early Christmas present :) So excited to start playing...well...learning to play :) ha ha

I don't know why that one is crooked...but here is where my baby lays :) lol And yes. I am using a tv table as the stand...and a kitchen table chair. Want to make sure I really use this wonderful thing before I (or my mom :) ) invest too much in it! Hopefully I don't get a roommate!! ha ha Her bedroom keeps getting fuller and fuller!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary....


So big and beautiful even in pots :)

Check out my awesome porch garden!! Loving it!

Planter #1 - 2 tomato plants, 5 Lettuce plants and some begonias.

Planter #2 - 3 green pepper plants, 2 basil plants, and 2 pea plants.

And comes the tomato blossoms. Is that what they are called!?

I thought for sure my lettuce was going to wilt away and die...which it practically did at first, but I revived it! Look how lush it is now!! :)

Some close-ups of my other plants.
Green pepper up front, with peas behind.


Soooo proud! Can't wait to start being able to eat some of my fresh veggies!! I think I have found a hobby to help bring me some balance in life :) At least for the summer....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Excessive Heat and Pollen

Who would have ever thought it would be possible to have snow on a day that the temperature reached 104 degrees!!!! Not me. But when I was outside today there was fluffy white stuff falling from the sky....definitely wasn't snow, but it sure looked like it! All of those fluffs sure made me itch! Gotta love allergies.

Heading to nanny today, I knew there was an excessive heat warning for the day and that they were advising people to stay indoors in air conditioning if at all possible. But on a beautiful warm summer day you can't expect me (or young children) to stay inside all day! It was the perfect opportunity for water activities!! Too hot for the beach, but we spent the whole morning outside! Broke out the slip n' slide, kiddie pool, water ballons, and water guns! It was so much fun! Then this afternoon, when it was nearing the above 100 degree mark, we headed out to get the kids' hair cut. **Note to self: While I have never taken children to get a hair cut at a regular place, it just may be worth the $16.50 to go to Kids Hair where they get suckers and can watch a movie while they get their hair done. Not once did Zoe scream! I may need to try that trick while combing her hair at home! ha ha After the hair cuts we of course had to go for ice cream :) Good times! And cute kids!

Look at those messy faces :) Gotta love Superman ice cream!

Should have went with a cup for Jaden. He didn't quite get the concept of "licking" his cone and wanted to use a spoon instead.

Zoe and Chandelle love! <3

Check out those hair cuts! I think they look good! Zoe even got a pony tail! I love her hair out of her face!! I thought it was stressful enough getting MY hair cut...but being responsible for the hair cuts of 2 little people is pretty scary too! Especially when I have to report back to their parents!!

All in all, another GREAT day! I love my job!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wonderful Weekend/s Recap :)

It has been awhile!! School was wrapping up for the year over the past few weeks, so that took priority. However, SCHOOL'S OUT! FOR THE SUMMER! Well...sort of...I have one class for a week starting in a few weeks and then I have off until Sept. 26th. But I have already started the summer fun! My social life is definitely back in full swing!

Last weekend summer started with Memorial Day...even if I wasn't yet completely done with all of my homework! Don't worry. It got finished :)

Spent Memorial Day weekend with Jaden and Zoe while their mom and dad had an out of town date weekend. Friday night I spent with the kids at there house and we went for ice the rain! Quite the adventure. But the kids were great and didn't make a mess when we ate in the car :)

Saturday morning Jaden saw me blow drying my hair and later decided he was going to use my blow dryer to get an ant! It was cute! lol

The kids even helped me with the dishes before we left for the zoo with my grandma on Saturday! They were great helpers! And it was THEIR idea to help!!

At the zoo we of course had to get fun lollipops! I remember getting these as a kid and not really liking the taste...but still wanting one! These kids almost licked theirs all gone!! And they were a life saver for keeping them busy when the storm rolled through during our visit...

Luckily, we also got to hang out inside during the storm and watch the dolphins. They were Jaden's FAVORITE! I tried to get him to turn around so I could take his picture with the dolphin but he freaked out!! So all I got was the back of his head :)

Also got to attempt a picture of their cute faces in this submarine! Taking pictures of kids sure is a talent! One which I don't yet have mastered! lol

This was Jaden's face THE WHOLE DAY! He walked around saying "Wow! Wow! Wow!" And the only way I could get him to move on to the next animal was to say "Tell the ______ (fill in name of animal) buh bye, Jaden" And he would say buh bye!

Hanging out, waiting for the tornado warning and severe thunderstorm warning to expire so we could finish seeing the animals. They sure were troopers!

In addition to the lollipops, flirting with this little girl also kept Jaden busy :) lol

By the end of our visit, I was ready to sleep like this cute monkey!! What an exhausting but SUPER fun day! I loved every minute of it :) Actually, every minute of the whole weekend was great!!

Sunday we went to church and the kids were awesome! And then we came home and "fished" on the "dock" before heading to McDonald's for lunch and playing in the playland!!! So fun!

This past weekend was the REAL beginning of my summer...minus summer school.
Got to see my friend from college, Jonna, marry an amazing man! Such a beautiful wedding! Jonna was a gorgeous bride. LOVED her dress!! And instead of having a unity candle or combining sand, they tied together 2 branches (1 from each of their yards) in the form of a cross to symbolize they are the branches coming together being connected by the vine (God). Pretty neat symbolism! Didn't get very good pictures...but check 'em out!

After the wedding, I met up with an old college roommate who slept over. Such a good time! Lots of laughs were shared :)

I also got to meet my cousin's cute new baby boy! She has a SON! I forgot to take a picture because I was so busy marveling in his adorable self...But let me tell you! He is CUTE!!!

Well, that's all...actually a ton, for now. Time for the week to really begin! Back to work tomorrow. It's going to be another hot bring on the sprinkler with Zoe and Jaden!! :) I sure love the excuse to be a big kid!