Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Many of Each Size Diaper Do I Need? What brand is best?

Before Christian was born, we debated stocking up on diapers.  
We had heard that it can help to buy a case or package of diapers each week to just build up a supply so that you don't have to buy a ton all at once after baby arrives.  I had also read to buy a gift card each week so you don't have to worry about exchanging pre-bought diapers for a different size later but then you have the money set aside so it isn't a big expense all at one.

We decided not to do either of these things and to just buy diapers as we needed them once baby came. We did, however, get a case of newborn diapers (96 count) at our baby shower, as well as several cases of various other sizes. We had thought that one case of newborn diapers would probably be plenty before we moved on to size one. We also bought a giant case of size one diapers (234 count).

Our baby boy was a healthy 8 pounds and 20 inches long at birth and newborn diapers fit him perfectly. We are actually just starting to transition to size 1 diapers now and he is 7 weeks old.  I believe newborn diapers are made to fit up to 10 pounds. They fit Christian up to 11 pounds, though.

Pampers size 1 diapers are said to fit babies 8-14 pounds, but between needing to fold the diaper over so it wouldn't rub the cord stump the first few weeks and baby boy just not being long enough, size 1 was too big until Christian was about 7 weeks old,  11 pounds 5 ounces, 22.5 inches long.

So for us, we used 504 Newborn Size Diapers, but could have gotten by with a few less, as we were just using up the last 30 or so before starting size 1. Next time we will probably stock up a bit just to save on trips to the store when you are constantly running out!

We also started off using strictly pampers diapers. Personally, I think diaper choice is more of a mom preference than anything. I really like pampers for our baby boy. They are lined with mesh that keeps the poop from being right next to baby's bottom and I just they they are soft. However, I have heard from some mom's of baby boys that the mesh would often get stuck to the little boy parts, but we never experienced this.

While we started off using pampers, we have now been using Target Brand Diapers.  I worry that they aren't as soft on his bottom, but they seem to do the job just the same. They also have the wetness indicator strip just like huggies and pampers. The strip is nice, but it probably causes you to change the diaper more often than you really need to. You can feel when the diaper is full without looking at the stip. We did use the strip a lot in the first few days when we were religiously tracking wet and dirty diapers to make sure baby boy was healthy and everything was working right.

The Target diapers also seem to be leaking lately, but I think this may be more because of them getting too small as baby boy is about a pound and half bigger than recommended for newborn size. Hoping it gets better now that we are switching to size 1. He is also having a lot more poop these days, so leaks may just be our life now :)

One big advantage to Target diapers, though, is price.

Target Diapers = 13 cents/diaper

Pampers = 26 cents/diaper...that's DOUBLE the cost of Target brand!

As far as wipes go...We started off using Huggies. Mainly chose them because this is what I used when I was a nanny. However, Target brand is slightly cheaper and after using them for awhile, I think they are so much softer!

Target Wipes = Just under 2 cents/wipe

Huggies Wipes = Just over 2 cents/ not a HUGE difference

If you use facebook and check out Target's new Cartwheel App you can also save an extra 5% off Up and Up diapers and wipes at Target! 

So there you have it! Stock up on newborn diapers if you plan to buy ahead and don't be afraid to try "off brand" diapers and wipes

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I did the stock up on diapers and wipes before Grace was born... however, it bit me in the butt because she turned out to be allergic to huggies. I began buying Pampers Sensitive and those do not bother her so I have stuck with them. When Target has their buy two boxes get a gift card I stock up! Now I just buy when on sale and hope that will hold us over. I wish I could try the off brands, but since she has such sensitive skin I have not tried.

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