Monday, October 21, 2013

Transitioning out of the Swaddle: Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit Product Review

Christian was back to his birth weight before he was even a week old and once we didn't have to wake him up every 3 hours to eat, he immediately started sleeping 6-7 hours straight! This kid was a pro sleeper...just like his mama! I love my sleep, so I was a very HAPPY mama too! 

I used to joke that "God knows I can't handle not getting sleep, so he gave me a good sleeper." 

Then it happened...I put his "Slept through the Night" sticker on his calendar the day before he was 12 weeks old... and then he STOPPED sleeping through the night!

I think I jinxed myself because at this point this kid was sleeping 9-10 hours straight on a consistent basis! I was in love with swaddles and swearing by them, even buying all my new mom friends a SwaddleMe for their newborns! 

But also right around the 12 week mark, our little guy started trying to roll over from his back to his tummy and was often getting to his we decided it was time to part ways with the SwaddleMe and break out the Halo Sleep Sacks and just swaddle him arms out. 

The first few nights it wasn't a major difference and decided we would just keep trying it. Then time got away from us and it was nearly a month later and we were realizing that Christian was waking up A LOT! 

In fact, a few nights he was up every 1-2 hours! This kid had NEVER done this even as a newborn. What was going on!?! We tried swaddling him arms in again and our sleep still hadn't returned.

So I got desperate. Despite our Pediatrician recommending waiting until 6 months to start rice cereal, we started rice cereal at 4 months. And the night that he had his first taste of rice cereal (and loved it by the way) he was awake FOUR times! That wasn't the answer either. 

We returned to some of our old sleep practices of napping in the swing...and even sleeping in the swing at night. While the swing did give him some better naps during the day, it still hadn't gotten me more than 2.5 - 4 hour stretches of sleep at night. 

Here is what we have done for sleep: 

Black out curtains in his bedroom 

White Noise

Swaddled arms out 

Swaddled arms in (used to get 10 hours until we switched to arms out)

Sleeping in his swing 

We had tried EVERYTHING...and our 10 hours straight had yet to return. 

I'm not even sure how I heard about this miracle product, but I am SO excited to be able to share it with you over at Mommy's First Year!! I really believe that this Sleepsuit is the answer to our sleep prayers!


**Visit Mommy's First Year to read the full review of this product**

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Mommy's Breastfeeding Essentials!

When I was pregnant people would ask me if I planned to breastfeed and my response always was "I plan to try." Sometimes it works, sometimes it takes lots of work, and other times it just doesn't happen despite mom's best efforts. 

I was very blessed and breastfeeding "just happened" for us. Yes, there were a few things that I knew to do to help the process, but I attribute a lot of our success to Christian just knowing how to latch and suck and the many items that supported my breastfeeding. 

If you are planning to breastfeed, this post is for you! 

Here are my "must haves" for breastfeeding: 

1. Mother Love Nipple Cream
I knew before Christian was born that nipple cream was going to be a must. I originally opted for the Lansinoh Brand Lanolin Nipple Cream. I began using this right away at the hospital because my nipples were SO SORE from feeding our little guy every 2-3 hours. However, after about 12 hours of using this and feeling barely any relief, I asked the nurses what they suggested and they brought me a sample of Mother Love Nipple Cream. OMG. This stuff was THE best! It was like bringing heavenly soothing to my nipples! Seriously. After using this I finally was able to stop cringing every time it was time to feed the baby again. It made breastfeeding in those early weeks and days so much more bearable. 
You can buy it on the Mother Love website for $9.95 for 1 ounce 
It is also available on amazon for $9.65 for 1 ounce

2. A Breastfeeding Pillow (Boppy, Mombo, Brestfriend)
Personally, I use the Boppy and love it! However, I have heard great things about the Brestfriend which is much firmer for positioning baby up higher and closer to you. The Brestfriend also has a strap that goes around your back so it doesn't slide out away from baby. The Brestfriend is a definite must if you are going to have a smaller baby. My little guy has been pretty big since day 1 and we haven't had any troubles with the Boppy. It also is multipurpose and is great for playing with baby on the floor and using for tummy time! The Mombo seems like a great mix between the firmness of the Brestfriend and the usability of the Boppy. Either way, you will want some sort of pillow as breastfeeding can be quite the job at first! You want the baby positioned as best as possible so you can have your hands as free as possible to help baby latch. All of them also come in a variety of designs! Unless you are choosing to use the Boppy or the Mombo (which can also be used for a tummy time and various other things) I would hold off on buying a Brestfriend until you make sure that breastfeeding is going to work for you and your baby. 

3. A Nursing Cover 
My biggest fear after Christian was born, was taking him out in public and feeding him. Breastfeeding was going fine for us, but I wasn't yet confident in feeding him with a nursing least not until I tried the Bebe au Lait nursing cover! During those first few days/weeks, nursing can be a three person job (mom, baby, and an extra set of hands). Trying to manage all of this out in public with a cover on is a daunting task! I had a cover which I thought was going to be great...but really, it just covered us up like a blanket and I couldn't see a thing! Then I met the Bebe au Lait nursing cover at Amma Parenting Center and knew I needed one! This thing has been a life saver and is worth every penny! The BEST part about this specific cover is the rigid neck line. This one is the BEST! Every nursing mom needs one! Plus, they are available in many different patterns. Again, I would make this purchase AFTER baby, just to make sure that breastfeeding is going to work. 

You can buy one online at for $35-38


They are also available on amazon for nearly $10 less! 

If you want to see one in person before making a purchase and you live in Minnesota, then I recommend visiting Amma Parenting Center in Edina!

I can't emphasize this one enough! You need a lot of water to stay hydrated, but you need even more when you are breastfeeding. I started off drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day and soon realized 8 wasn't nearly enough! 10-12 glasses leaves me feeling much better! So get that water in! Find a water bottle that you easily drink from. For me, that means carrying around a cup with a straw because I can easily down 12+ glasses a day when I have my straw cup with me. Not only do you need the water to stay hydrated and feeling good, but you also need it to keep your milk supply drink away! 

Available on

5. Resources
Mom Friends  - Chances are you are going to need some emotional support at some point during your breastfeeding stint. Other moms can relate. Don't be afraid to reach out, whether that be to your current friends that might already have kids or by joining a local moms group like New Mama Group at Amma Parenting Center or MOPS
Supportive Partner - Take your partner with you to any classes you take on breastfeeding and fill them in on the whole process. You will be glad you did when you need that extra help in the first few days/weeks. Tell them what you are going to want to hear to be encouraged in your breastfeeding as well. 
Lactation Consultant - Despite our best efforts, sometimes we need extra help and encouragement. Generally a lactation consultant will visit you during your hospital stay and offer various tools and ideas to help you in breastfeeding. Make sure you know how to contact this person again if you need further help or have concerns in the future. Or, if you live in Minnesota, Amma Parenting Center offers free drop in baby weight checks and every Tuesday a Lactation Consultant is on site to answer any questions. This is an AMAZING resource! 

That's It! My top 5! 

You're probably wondering, "What about the nursing tanks, nursing bras, pump, and breast pads???" 

Well, I figure the bras, pump, and breast pads are givens...and you'll have to stay tuned for my thoughts on nursing tanks! Don't waste your money mamas!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Ultrasound pics!

When we first found out we were pregnant, we KNEW we wanted to find out the sex. But we KNEW we wanted to pass on the 3D/4D ultrasound and leave something to be a surprise. 

Well, we couldn't wait and go the 3D/4D ultrasound done and look how much baby boy looks like them! 

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Christian's Birth Story!

Visit to read Christian's FULL Birth Story! 

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Many of Each Size Diaper Do I Need? What brand is best?

Before Christian was born, we debated stocking up on diapers.  
We had heard that it can help to buy a case or package of diapers each week to just build up a supply so that you don't have to buy a ton all at once after baby arrives.  I had also read to buy a gift card each week so you don't have to worry about exchanging pre-bought diapers for a different size later but then you have the money set aside so it isn't a big expense all at one.

We decided not to do either of these things and to just buy diapers as we needed them once baby came. We did, however, get a case of newborn diapers (96 count) at our baby shower, as well as several cases of various other sizes. We had thought that one case of newborn diapers would probably be plenty before we moved on to size one. We also bought a giant case of size one diapers (234 count).

Our baby boy was a healthy 8 pounds and 20 inches long at birth and newborn diapers fit him perfectly. We are actually just starting to transition to size 1 diapers now and he is 7 weeks old.  I believe newborn diapers are made to fit up to 10 pounds. They fit Christian up to 11 pounds, though.

Pampers size 1 diapers are said to fit babies 8-14 pounds, but between needing to fold the diaper over so it wouldn't rub the cord stump the first few weeks and baby boy just not being long enough, size 1 was too big until Christian was about 7 weeks old,  11 pounds 5 ounces, 22.5 inches long.

So for us, we used 504 Newborn Size Diapers, but could have gotten by with a few less, as we were just using up the last 30 or so before starting size 1. Next time we will probably stock up a bit just to save on trips to the store when you are constantly running out!

We also started off using strictly pampers diapers. Personally, I think diaper choice is more of a mom preference than anything. I really like pampers for our baby boy. They are lined with mesh that keeps the poop from being right next to baby's bottom and I just they they are soft. However, I have heard from some mom's of baby boys that the mesh would often get stuck to the little boy parts, but we never experienced this.

While we started off using pampers, we have now been using Target Brand Diapers.  I worry that they aren't as soft on his bottom, but they seem to do the job just the same. They also have the wetness indicator strip just like huggies and pampers. The strip is nice, but it probably causes you to change the diaper more often than you really need to. You can feel when the diaper is full without looking at the stip. We did use the strip a lot in the first few days when we were religiously tracking wet and dirty diapers to make sure baby boy was healthy and everything was working right.

The Target diapers also seem to be leaking lately, but I think this may be more because of them getting too small as baby boy is about a pound and half bigger than recommended for newborn size. Hoping it gets better now that we are switching to size 1. He is also having a lot more poop these days, so leaks may just be our life now :)

One big advantage to Target diapers, though, is price.

Target Diapers = 13 cents/diaper

Pampers = 26 cents/diaper...that's DOUBLE the cost of Target brand!

As far as wipes go...We started off using Huggies. Mainly chose them because this is what I used when I was a nanny. However, Target brand is slightly cheaper and after using them for awhile, I think they are so much softer!

Target Wipes = Just under 2 cents/wipe

Huggies Wipes = Just over 2 cents/ not a HUGE difference

If you use facebook and check out Target's new Cartwheel App you can also save an extra 5% off Up and Up diapers and wipes at Target! 

So there you have it! Stock up on newborn diapers if you plan to buy ahead and don't be afraid to try "off brand" diapers and wipes

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Monday, July 8, 2013

New Blog

The new blog is done and 'Mommy's First Year' is now live! 

Swing on by to and check things out :) 

Like I mentioned in my previous post, updates on Baby Christian and life as a mommy will now be posted to my new blog, 'Mommy's First Year'. Continue to follow 'Mommy in the Making' for all my pregnancy related posts and posts on preparing for baby! 

Hope to see you at 'Mommy's First Year'! 

And if you haven't taken my survey yet, I would love your feedback! Check it out here...

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Blog Feedback

Now is your chance! I would love to get your feedback on 'Mommy in the Making!' There are only 10 questions and I would greatly appreciate your input! Click the link below to get started. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013


If you've been following along, you may have noticed that several posts have disappeared. 
Well, don't worry! They aren't gone! They have just relocated. More info to come soon :) 

Over the last few weeks (well, 5 1/2 to be exact), I have been thinking about what it really means to be a mommy. 

When is someone fully "made" a mommy? 

I think of myself always as a work in progress. My little boy is growing and changing every day. What he likes today isn't always what he likes and what will work tomorrow. Since Christian is always changing, I have to always be changing as his mommy too. So I think that I will always be a "mommy in the making". 

"Mommyhood", however, is fully here! From carrying that sweet little boy in my belly for 41 weeks to caring for him here in our home, I have been "mommy" for almost a year now! 

The focus of this blog has been on pregnancy and preparing for life with our sweet little bundle of joy! 
That life has now arrived and so change is coming here at 'Mommy in the Making'! 

I will continue to post here at 'Mommy in the Making' on topics regarding pregnancy and preparing for life with baby, but for updates on Christian, "mommy life", and various baby related topics, I will be posting at another blog! My sweet hubby is working on the final touches as we speak! 


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Hospital Bag - Re-visited!

When packing my hospital bag before Christian was born, I had a feeling that I was overpacking, but at the same time, felt more comfortable being overpacked instead of under packed.

Now that I've lived through the hospital and birth experience, here is what I would change to my original list!

I've crossed out the items I didn't need or use and included explanations. 

For Me
1. Labor outfit - Black skirt, black tank top and black sports bra (I'm going to wear this instead of the hospital gown...unless I change my mind)
I ended up wearing the hospital gown! Once I was there and was being induced, I just decided the hospital gown was easiest and actually pretty comfortable. The nurses actually recommended I just free boob it and not even wear my sports bra so it would be extra easy to try breastfeeding right after baby boy was born. And yes, it was nice to be able to get dirty and leave the dirty gown there at the hospital. 
I did end up wearing the skirt to bed the night Christian was born, though! The nurses still were checking my bottom and this was a comfy option with a nursing tank so I would probably still pack the skirt. 

2. Robe
I did wear this once while walking the halls at the hospital during labor. 

3. Slippers
Same with these. Wore them while walking the halls during labor. 

4. Bobby pins to pin my hair out of my face
Actually never used these! But my hair was pretty short. 

5. 2 Nursing tanks
I wore both of these! To bed and to go home. 

6. 2 Pairs of yoga pants
I only wore one pair and that was to go home. I would have wore both pairs but I ended up wearing the dress I wore to the hospital on the day we had visitors. 

7. 2 zip up hoodies
I wore one of these as well. We could control the temp of the room but I still was a little chilly one night. 

8. A black strapless cloth sundress (I'm going to wear this instead of a gown while we are at the hospital and after baby is born) 
I ended up wearing the dress I wore to the hospital instead. But if I hadn't this would have been a great option for visitors! 

9. Meds 
Apparently you aren't supposed to pack your own meds! The hospital has to give them to you! 

10. 2 Bath Towels (1 for me and 1 for hubby)
We definitely used these, but didn't need to because the hospital had towels, but it was still nice having our own. 

11. Facewash
Used it!

12. Breast Cream
The hospital gave me this too! And it was way better than what I had brought (and heard was good). 
My new recommendation: Motherlove Nipple Cream 

13. Granny panties
I can't remember if I ended up wearing these or not? I think I wore one pair on the day we went home? Otherwise I wore the hospital's awesome panties! Still have a pair! They really work well with your massive pad! 

14. 2 pairs of socks
I think I only used one pair. 

15. Chapstick
Used it!

16. Glasses 
Used them every day! 

17. Hard candy 
No need for this

18. Water Bottle
The hospital kept us stocked with a pitcher of water and glasses but it was really nice having my own water bottle, especially one with a straw, that I could easily sip from while nursing. 

19. Make up Bag
Used it of course!

20. Pillow
The hospital pillows weren't really all that terrible, but it was nice having our own

21. Toothbrush/toothpaste
Used it!

22. Shampoo
Used it! Once we moved to post partum they actually brought us some pretty decent shampoo, but for my shower in labor and delivery the morning after induction had started, I was glad to have my own.

23. Earrings (I heard this is nice to feel more pulled together for pictures)
I ended up forgetting to put them on/didn't bring a pair that matched the necklace/outfit I wore in our hospital pictures but if I had planned better this would have been really nice!

24. Hairdryer? Might not get used but I can be hopeful, right? :)
I definitely did not have time to use this! 

For Hubby: 
Pretty sure he used everything we packed! 
1. Water Bottle 

2. Drink mixes for his water

3. Snacks (Granola bars, jar of peanut butter) 

4. Razors 

5. Shaving Cream 

6. Glasses/contacts 

7. Pillow 

8. Boxers

9. Socks

10. 2 t-shirts

11. Hoodie

12. iPad 

For Baby Christian: 
I put all of his stuff in a gallon size ziplock bag. 

1. Car Seat

2. Hat 

3. Blanket

4. Going Home Outfit size newborn AND size 0-3 months
I would add that no matter what the season, babies can't regulate their temperature and hospitals are cold! On the day we went home it was in the 70s and the nurse encouraged us to keep him in his pants and hat cover him with a blanket. He was also wearing a onesie. So plan on the warmer side for clothes I think. 

5. Burp Cloth
The hospital had cloth diapers that I used instead. 

6. Socks 
A few pairs! 

7. Nail clippers 

8. Boppy

I would actually add to this list: 
9. Long sleeve onesies to wear at the hospital while wrapped in a blanket (or other cute/warm outfits). While we didn't really NEED this, we wanted him to look cute when we had visitors and to be warm. The nurses also were like "go ahead and get him dressed in whatever you packed" and I was like "Shoot. We didn't pack anything!" 

Other Items: 
1. Card Games
If we wouldn't have had so many visitors, these would have been REALLY nice! We would have gotten pretty bored otherwise, I'm sure! 

2. Magazines
Same with these! However, since I went in the night before to start the induction process, we may have used these a bit waiting for things to get started. 

3. My purse with insurance card and driver's license
We never had to use these, but they are something that just are always with me anyway. 

4. Baby Book
Got his little foot prints! :) 

5. Hand Sanitizer
We may have forgotten to have visitors use this :( And some visitors just used it on their way through the door since the hospital had some attached to the wall! :)

6. Camera and extra batteries 
We honestly didn't take a single picture with our actual camera....we just used our phones!

7. Chargers (Cell/ipad)
Got lots and lots of use!

8. Childbirth Book 
Didn't use this either...

I would still add these things last minute:

1. Pillows x2

2. Make up bag

3. iPad and charger

4. Cell chargers

5. Magazines

6. Hair brush 

7. Hair dryer 

There you have it! remember this for next time! :)

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Moms love Mombo!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Comfort and Harmony. All opinions are 100% mine.
As a new mom, learning to breastfeed has been one of my biggest tasks over the past week. Sometimes I feel like I need another set of hands in order to get baby positioned to latch on properly and begin sucking.
When another set of hands aren't available, the mombo nursing pillow is a great option! This is even better and more comfortable than an extra pair of hands! However, this pillow can also be used for more than just nursing. As baby gets older it can be a cozy  and safe spot for baby to sit or lay as well. 
What is a Mombo Nursing Pillow?
The Mombo Nursing Pillow is a contoured pillow that wraps around your waist allowing for a space to rest baby that is higher up and closer to your breast while nursing. Definitely saves your arms as baby gets heavier!
The pillow has 2 sides - 1 firm and 1 soft. The firm side allows for added support while nursing and the soft side is cozy for little one to rest on when not nursing.
The pillow also has an added vibration feature for helping to calm and relax baby. 
Washable slip covers are also available in a variety of colors/styles so you can keep a cute and clean pillow. 
Check out Toys R Us and/or Babies R Us to purchase your own nursing pillow and find other mombo products such as fun slip covers for your new pillow. 
I also like Comfort & Harmony on Facebook (the makers of Mombo) and follow Comfort & Harmony on Twitter. You should too! 

Visit Sponsor's Site

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome Christian James!

Christian James 
Born May 29, 2013
8 pounds, 20 inches 
Strawberry Blonde Hair 
Blue Eyes 

We are loving our little man and he couldn't be more perfect! 
Birth Story coming soon! 

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