Monday, October 21, 2013

Transitioning out of the Swaddle: Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit Product Review

Christian was back to his birth weight before he was even a week old and once we didn't have to wake him up every 3 hours to eat, he immediately started sleeping 6-7 hours straight! This kid was a pro sleeper...just like his mama! I love my sleep, so I was a very HAPPY mama too! 

I used to joke that "God knows I can't handle not getting sleep, so he gave me a good sleeper." 

Then it happened...I put his "Slept through the Night" sticker on his calendar the day before he was 12 weeks old... and then he STOPPED sleeping through the night!

I think I jinxed myself because at this point this kid was sleeping 9-10 hours straight on a consistent basis! I was in love with swaddles and swearing by them, even buying all my new mom friends a SwaddleMe for their newborns! 

But also right around the 12 week mark, our little guy started trying to roll over from his back to his tummy and was often getting to his we decided it was time to part ways with the SwaddleMe and break out the Halo Sleep Sacks and just swaddle him arms out. 

The first few nights it wasn't a major difference and decided we would just keep trying it. Then time got away from us and it was nearly a month later and we were realizing that Christian was waking up A LOT! 

In fact, a few nights he was up every 1-2 hours! This kid had NEVER done this even as a newborn. What was going on!?! We tried swaddling him arms in again and our sleep still hadn't returned.

So I got desperate. Despite our Pediatrician recommending waiting until 6 months to start rice cereal, we started rice cereal at 4 months. And the night that he had his first taste of rice cereal (and loved it by the way) he was awake FOUR times! That wasn't the answer either. 

We returned to some of our old sleep practices of napping in the swing...and even sleeping in the swing at night. While the swing did give him some better naps during the day, it still hadn't gotten me more than 2.5 - 4 hour stretches of sleep at night. 

Here is what we have done for sleep: 

Black out curtains in his bedroom 

White Noise

Swaddled arms out 

Swaddled arms in (used to get 10 hours until we switched to arms out)

Sleeping in his swing 

We had tried EVERYTHING...and our 10 hours straight had yet to return. 

I'm not even sure how I heard about this miracle product, but I am SO excited to be able to share it with you over at Mommy's First Year!! I really believe that this Sleepsuit is the answer to our sleep prayers!


**Visit Mommy's First Year to read the full review of this product**

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Momma Melly

This post brings back memories of my son as a baby. :Your little one is adorable! I hope you and your family are doing well. I look forward to reading updates. :)

ps -- I've nominated you for an award. If you'd like, you have the choice of answering fun questions which are on my blog along with the rules under "Sunshine award". It's my first time participating, and thought it would be fun to tag you as well. :)


Awe, thanks so much! For the award too! Sorry I'm just seeing this almost a month later :( I sometimes forget about this blog as I mainly blog at now!

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