Thursday, January 10, 2013

21 week Bumpdate!

21 weeks, 1 day

Size of Baby: Banana. About 10.5 inches long and about 12.7oz. Maybe a little more since he weighed 12oz last week and was supposed to be about 10oz...

Symptoms: I think this week the most obvious symptom has been my crazy weird pregnancy dreams! EVERY night. Seriously. I have such beyond weird dreams and they are so vivid and real! I enjoy dreaming, but these have been a bit much for me. I'll be glad for them to be done. I also was thinking the nausea was nearly done...but nope. Found myself bent over the toilet again just the other day. At least that is happening less and less and they are fewer and farther between. My emotions have also been pretty crazy lately and still feeling tired every day. Sleep anyone? Sure. I'll take 12 hours a night :) 

Cravings: I saw BBQ Chips on tv the other night and every since I have been wanting some!  But I am not letting myself give in to that craving unless I can find a single serving bag. I will NOT buy a whole bag and eat it all myself. Other than that, not much for cravings this week. Could really go for some mac n' cheese, though. Cravings should be called something like "weight traps" or something! Everything I get a craving for is so bad for me! 

Something I miss: Energy! Something tells me I won't be seeing this for awhile...From just tired to tired from not sleeping. Oh the joys :) I had been missing clear skin, but hoping for some improvements there! Got the go ahead from my doctor yesterday to start using my benzoyl peroxide again!!! Can't wait for that stuff to start doing its thing! 

  • Baby's digestive system is starting to develop which means he is starting to swallow
  • Lots more kicking and movement to come. I feel him every day now :) Coolest/weirdest thing ever!
  • Baby's eyelids and eyebrows are present now
  • Baby is steadily gaining fat
  • Growth rate is slowing down
  • Buds for baby's teeth are beginning to form
  • The nursery is set up! Still needs a few finishing touches, but for the most part, its done! :) 
Looking Forward to: When Jim can feel baby kick too! That will be so exciting! Sounds like it could be any day now. He has been a little less active the last few days, though. But all is good. Just had our doctor appointment yesterday and we can check his heart beat at home and its still strong. 

Follow Up: I do indeed have a low-lying placenta. However, my doctor isn't the least bit concerned about this. He said that it almost always moves up. I will have another ultrasound around 28 weeks to check and make sure. He also said that the placenta is just low and is not covering the cervix at all so it really won't cause a problem but it is good to know. While I'm excited to get to see Baby Christian again, I'm not excited to have to drink so much water for the ultrasound. It was VERY uncomfortable last time! 

Well, I have been plugging away at my to-do list this week! Almost half of it is done! Yay! Something tells me, though, that as my list gets shorter, it will also keep getting longer. I keep finding more things I want to get done around the house before baby comes. At least it gives me motivation :) 


Becca at One Girl

Cute mama!!! But you're covering up your face :p You should post pictures of you & Jim as babies :)


LOVE that idea Becca!!! I will have to try to find some pictures!! :)

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