Tuesday, January 15, 2013

22 Week Bumpdate!

22 weeks, 1 day

There's my face. Just for you Becca :) 

Size of Baby: Christian now weighs about 1 pound!! And is about 11 inches long, the length of a spaghetti squash. 

Symptoms: Feeling Christian move lots and lots :) So fun and so weird at the same time! There really is there! Daddy has even been able to feel him lately :) Other than that, symptoms have really started to subside. Still don't have a ton of energy and STILL experiencing some nausea from time to time. Oh! And how can I seems my memory is gone! I will be working on something and go "Oh, I need to do ____" and then I leave the room to do it and completely forget what I was going to do...It's getting mildly annoying. Also, round ligament pain continues, especially when I cough. 

Cravings: Candy hearts? Ha ha I think this is something I normally crave around this time of year. No real cravings lately. Oh wait. I was really craving carrots the other day. I wish we had some now... 

Something I miss: Still missing all the same things...clear skin, a flat tummy and not gaining weight, energy. There was something I was thinking the other day that I have been missing, but of course, can't remember it today! 

Something I WON'T miss once Christian is here: My fingernails growing so fast and strong! And of course, feeling him move! It's so cool! 

Milestones: Christian's senses are continuing to develop and he can now feel. He may even be grabbing the umbilical cord. He can sense light if I were to shine a flashlight on my belly. He also can now hear the sound of my voice and daddy's voice! So time to really start reading to him! I did read him a story a week or 2 ago...He can also taste now, so time to start developing his taste for some healthy foods. Daddy has officially felt Christian move now too :) Baby also now likely has eye brows! He is starting to get hair and his whole body is probably covered in a fine hair called lanugo. It sounds like Christian just needs to keep growing now :) 

Looking Forward to: Getting my "To-Do List" completed so we are fully ready for Christian to be here! My friends have also officially started brainstorming and planning for our Baby Shower, so I'm starting to get excited for that! 


Becca at One Girl

Love the pictures and super excited to see that beautiful face in person soon!

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