Wednesday, May 22, 2013

40 Week Bumpdate!

40 Weeks, 1 Day 

Size of Baby::: About the size of a pumpkin! 19 to 22 inches long and about 6 to 9 pounds. The doctor is estimating he will be between 7.5-8 pounds. 

Symptoms/Signs of Labor:::
  • Still only 1 cm dilated. Never got a number for how effaced. Cervix is still up pretty high. 
  • Constant cramping/pressure. Kept waking me up last night.
  • Trips to the potty about every 2 hours all night long 
  • Have been getting a lot of headaches this week, but no protein in my urine and my blood pressure is still good 
  • Just plain uncomfortable now

Cravings::: Maple Nut ice cream and reese's peanut butter cups!
Something I Miss::: Sleeping on my stomach! and energy...

Stretch Marks::: No changes...still just the tiny ones around my belly button

Wedding Ring::: Off...but can't wait to get it back on!!! 

Belly Button::: Slightly flat but still poking out a little

  • Not much left for the little guy to do! Just needs to get out!! 

40 Week Surprise::: A bag full of goodies! Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, starbursts, maple nut candies, and andes mints (for hubby ha ha). Seriously, hubby is half the reason for my weight gain! 

Looking Forward to::: Holding Christian!!! He will be here FOR SURE in less than a week!!! Doctor ordered an induction for next Tuesday, May 28th if there is no baby yet! Come on baby Christian! Oh and also looking forward to sleeping on my belly!!!! 

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