Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Streaming Live from Fairview Ridges...

Bringing you the LIVE play by play of labor and delivery!! Click below to watch what is happening and see Baby Christian be born! 

I'm here at the hospital and all checked in. I've gotten my first dose of gels put on my cervix and am having some mild cramping...basically like I've been having for the last month! 

Around 1am I should get another dose and then again at 5am. If contractions aren't coming strong by then, then I'll get started with pitocin by about 9am! 

It could be awhile before Christian is actually here, but we will be meeting him soon!!! 


I was totally freaking out on our way to the hospital and definitely cried when hubby called to verify it would be good for us to head in. Whew. 

After we checked in and the nurse got my vitals and everything, my blood pressure was pretty high because I was so nervous!! Now that we are all settled, I'm feeling much more relaxed and ready to get this show on the road!! 

Oh...and if you haven't realized it yet....


No way are we streaming LIVE! ha ha ha But don't worry, we will keep facebook updated with pictures! 

If you haven't already, be sure to like my page on facebook (Mommy in the Making MN) or follow me on twitter (@Mom2BeMN) to keep up to date! 

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