Friday, May 17, 2013

May is for Moms - An interview with my mom!

Happy Mother's Day! 

So this post is a little bit late, but better late than never! 

It has been fun for me, doing these 'May is for Moms' posts and being able to reflect on becoming a mom and hear from my mom too! Since Christian isn't born yet (and couldn't talk even if he was) I won't be doing the 3rd week of these posts. 

I have been blessed with an amazing mom who has always supported me and pushed me to be the best that I can be. We've had our ups and downs, but she is definitely one of my best friends and I'm lucky to have her! Hopefully some day I can have this kind of relationship with a daughter of my own! And maybe I can even apply it to my relationship with my soon to be little boy! 

Thanks mom for being the best mom I could ask for! 

And for answering my interview questions :) 

1. How did you feel the moment you found out you were pregnant with me? 
Dad and I always knew that we wanted to start a family as soon as we were married.  However, I guess that wasn’t in the plans for us because it took us three years to finally get pregnant.  After several years of doctor tests and disappointments, we were finally able to get pregnant and were THRILLED when we received the good news from the doctor!

2. Was I a wonderful surprise or carefully planned? 
You were definitely a wonderful surprise and a blessing!

3. What was the most challenging time in my childhood? Why?
There were two times in your childhood that were definite challenges for me as a parent. The first time was when you were about 8-10 years old.  You had problems with controlling your anger.  In fact, one time you went to your bedroom and totally destroyed it.  However, after your grandma and I started you on an “anger journal”, your attitude improved quickly and I no longer saw that side of you.  The second time that you were a challenge to me as a parent was during your teenage years when you began dating and hanging out with your friends.  I had a whole new set of things to worry about like would you be able to make good choices and say no to drugs and alcohol and would you be able to say no when it came to sex before marriage.  At this point in your life, you made a promise to me to make good choices.  As a symbol of this promise, I got you a gold ring with two hearts linked together to always remind you of the promise that you and I shared.  

4. Did you worry about me more when I was a child or now that I'm an adult? 
When I was a young parent, I always told myself that I couldn’t wait until you were an adult so that I didn’t have to worry about you any more.  However, I now realize that as long as I am living, I will always worry about you.  I will never stop being your mom/parent and that is one thing that goes along with being a mom/parent. 

5. What is one thing you thought was deeply important when I was a baby that you now realize was not important at all? 
From the time you were born, I wanted you to have the best of everything and I wanted you to be the best that you could be.  Since I have always been a teacher at heart, even before I went back to school to get my teaching degree, I have always valued education and always pushed you to do your best in school.  However, during your senior year, as you gave your valedictorian speech, I realized that maybe I pushed you too hard.  I guess I always wanted you to be as independent as possible and with that comes a good education.  Maybe I set your expectations too high?  However, you did meet them with flying colors and you are still meeting them today as you become a new mommy.  
Love you!

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