Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Today is hubby's 28th birthday. 

Check this guy out ;) I'm a lucky lady! Celebrating him today! 

Ever since we found out we were pregnant and due May 21st, hubby has been hoping and praying that Baby Christian would make his appearance on his birthday and that they could forever share their special day. 

With only about 7 hours left of May 19th...I don't think it's going to happen....but not for a lack of trying! 

We have tried nearly every natural induction "wives tale" and nothing has happened. I guess we have a stubborn boy on our hands...not much different from his daddy :) 

He is going to be a great daddy!!! 

Hubby was so sure (and hopeful) that we would be in the hospital having a baby today that he didn't want me to plan anything for his birthday. Well, that and nearly anything that we would do to celebrate I'm not really able/allowed to do at this rollerblading, no biking, no kayaking, no waterparks...

We did go to dinner with our small group friends last night and today I am cooking up all of his favs! Blueberry muffins and eggs for breakfast and cheesy enchiladas for dinner. 

We have done some walking and birthday shopping and a trip for coffee. Oh and had some DQ birthday cake! 

So today we celebrate Jim and only Jim. As he has put it, there has just been "some trouble with shipping" for his birthday present :) 

Dear Daddy, 
I know you thought you put in your order request in time for me to get to you for your birthday, but there seems to have been a problem with shipping...I'm going to be late! Hope you still love me just as much! Can't wait to meet you! Hopefully soon :) 
Baby CJ

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