Monday, May 20, 2013

Music Monday -You're Gonna Miss This

As of today, Monday, May 20th...I am 39 weeks, 6 days pregnant! Tomorrow I will be FULL Full term! 40 weeks and it will be my estimated due date! Hopefully it won't come and go, but it probably will! 

Either way, I heard this song the other day and it made me think about these last few weeks and days of pregnancy.

You're Gonna Miss This
By Trace Adkins

Don't get me wrong...I CANNOT WAIT until my baby boy is here and I am holding him in my arms, but pregnancy has honestly flown by! And from what I am told, it only goes faster once they are here. 

I remember being that girl in high school just wanting to be done and get to college. Then just wanting to be done with college and start adult life and get married and start a family. At the time it felt like those things would never happen and time was dragging by. 

Now, as I think about where I am, time really flew!! Especially from graduating college to meeting my husband, getting married and starting a family! I was just talking with hubby yesterday about how I have lived my life with this life that we have as my goal. What do I do now that I've reached it?? I keep trying to think of what my new goal should be. Where do I want to be in 5 years, 10 years? 

I'm realizing now that maybe its time to step back from accomplishments. I've lived my life striving to obtain and accomplish things and I've been successful. But did I ever really slow down and just soak in and enjoy the blessing of each season? Maybe a little, but not enough. I miss those seasons. 

I love my life and feel so blessed to be where I am today. But I don't want to wish this away to get to the next thing. I want to learn to soak it in and just ENJOY! 

In just a few short days (a week or so at the most) and our baby boy will enter this world and our lives will forever change. He will never again be in my tummy where I can fully protect him and feel his every move. It will be a long awaited blessing and a fun change...but it will be different and I will miss pregnancy (at least that's what I'm told...right now it's hard to imagine :) ) 

So today I'm enjoy THIS season. I'm not going to rush it. God's timing is perfect and we will get to meet Christian on the day that God has already planned! 

What season are you in and what are you doing to enjoy it and not rush it by? 

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This is exactly how I feel. Perfectly blogged!! X

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