Monday, May 6, 2013

May is for Moms - An interview with myself

May is my month! Baby Christian will be born THIS month! So crazy! It has went soooo fast! 

May is also the month for Mother's Day! I'm linking up with All My Happy Endings for the May is for Moms linkup! 

This is a three part linkup that will take place the first 3 Sundays in May. first post is a day late...

For the first linkup, it's an interview with ME! 

1. Before you ever had children, how did you feel about being a mother? 

For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of being a mommy. I would struggle to answer the "what do you want to be when you grow up?" question because I just wanted to be a mommy...a stay at home mommy...and that wasn't your typical "answer" to this question. Being a mommy was the most fulfilling and exciting thought I had about my future!

2. Since becoming a mother, what is something that has happened that you never thought would?

Well, since I'm still just pregnant, I can only answer this based on pregnancy...But since becoming pregnant, one that that has happened that I never thought would is that pregnancy is not fun. At least not for me! The whole "enjoying your round belly and not feeling fat and just soaking in your 'glow'" thing has yet to happen to me... 

3. Is being a mother less difficult, more difficult, or exactly how difficult you imagined? 

Again, based on my experience of pregnancy, it has been more difficult than I imagined. However, I have also been blessed with the opportunity to just focus on being pregnant and having a healthy baby, so I can't complain too much!

4. What is your fondest memory of being a mother (so far)? 

I would have to say seeing my little boy on the ultrasound screen at our gender reveal scan in New York City! It was so precious getting to see him suck his thumb and move around in my belly. This was the first time that I felt like a "mom" and not just a fat lady! I also would add seeing him in 3D was a pretty fond memory and all of his little kicks and jabs! Can't wait to make memories with him in my arms real soon! 

5. If your children only learn one life lesson from you, what do you hope it is?

I hope they learn that Jesus loves them. He loves them for who they are and who He made them to be, NOT for what they can do. I hope they learn that Jesus is their Savior and following Him will never steer them wrong.  

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I'm with you, pregnancy was never fun for me either. Thanks for linking up!

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