Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Induction Scheduled!

If you are following along, you have probably already read in my 40 Week Bumpdate that we have scheduled our induction. Here are the details: 

On Tuesday, May 28th at 6:30pm we are to call Labor and Delivery and get the go ahead to come in that night at 7:30pm. They will then begin putting gel (prostaglandins) on my cervix to get it to start to ripen. The gel will be applied every 4 hours, so we will stay the night at the hospital. 

The gel alone may start contractions. If it doesn't, the next morning (Tuesday, May 29th) around 7:30/8am, they will start pitocin to get contractions going. 

HOPEFULLY we will then have a baby by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, if not sooner!! 

The doctor also stripped my membranes at my appointment today, so we will see if that gets anything going.

You can read more about the process of induction on BabyCenter.

If I do get induced, I'll just be chilling at the hospital waiting for things to get started, so watch my facebook blog page and twitter for updates! If baby comes before our induction date, I'll try to keep you all updated via facebook and twitter too! Don't worry...I'll let you all know when he is need to text...I'll text YOU! :) 

For family and friends that are wanting to come visit, we will let you know when we are ready for visitors :) 
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Becca @ One Girl

So excited to hear of his arrival & see pictures (like lots of them - no holding back!). Praying for you sweet friend in these last few days of pregnancy! There is an end in site!

Yes to lots of pictures like Becca said, cant wait! Rest up mommma he will be here soon!


Oh yes!!! I will FOR SURE be posting lots and lots of pictures :) As time allows between trying to sleep lol I'm sure I won't be able to resist, though!!!

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