Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Kid's View on Pregnancy

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Over the last 40 weeks, I have come in contact with several children...all who have had their own take on my ever growing belly! 

Check out some of the cute things they have said and asked! 

"It looks like you have a baby in there!" 
~Random little girl out for a bike ride while I was out for a walk  (7-8 years old)

"The baby is getting soooooo big!!!" 
~Zoe (little girl I used to nanny) as she rubbed my belly (6 years old)
That's right...its the BABY! :) 

"Why is your belly so big??"
~Little girl at church (4-5 years old) 

"Why is your belly so big??"
~Same little girl at church a few weeks later... 

"How much do you weigh? You must weigh like a thousand pounds with that big belly! Come on! Just tell me!" 
~Little boy at church (4-5 years old)

"My tummy is so full! I think maybe there's a baby in my belly!" 
~Jaden (little boy I used to nanny) as we were trying to get him to finish his lunch (4 years old)

"Are you going to have a baby?"
Me: "Yes I am...very soon!"
"I thought so because I saw some legs in your belly!"
~Little girl who wanted to pet Baxter while we were out for a walk (6-7 years old)

More funny things kids have said: 

What have your kids said? Or what have other kids said to you? 

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Those are funny! I know there are sometimes I wish I knew what Grace was thinking!

Thanks for a great laugh, kids are hilarious. We always tell Bea that her family is in her heart. Now that she knows her brother is in my belly and she notices his kicks, she likes to puff out her cute 3 year old tummy and say "momma my family is kicking too just like Sawyer in your belly" too cute!

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