Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No Baby Yet!

If you don't follow me on facebook or on twitter, you have probably started to wonder by now if baby is here!! I have been a little MIA in blog world this past week. 

Well, no baby yet... 

Like I reported last week, my doctor was thinking I might end up getting induced THIS week. He was thinking I may be developing pre-eclampsia. 

We had a biophysical ultrasound last Wednesday and everything came back normal so I wasn't induced Wednesday. We also had some blood work done at that appointment which came back normal. 

At my appointment on Monday, my blood pressure was still high (especially for me) but not high enough to be considered pre-eclampsia. No protein in my urine either. So since all was looking good, there was no need to induce this week. 

I was a little bummed because I had mentally prepared myself for the possibility after being freaked out by it last week! I'm glad, though, that baby is staying in to cook a little longer until he is ready. Just hoping I don't go late and STILL end up getting induced! 

Life this week has looked a little different than normal. I'm starting to get more uncomfortable and can see the end in site. Soooo....I have been trying to relax and enjoy these last days before I start losing sleep and have a baby filled schedule. 

My days have been filled with lots of walking trying to get labor started. Unfortunately, if I start having contractions, they always stop when I stop I guess that's false labor or maybe just Braxton Hicks Contractions...Not really sure how all that works. 

I've also been doing a lot of reading and enjoying the weather. 

I planted my garden/plants on Monday after the doctor!

Flower bed

Veggies...Green Pepper and Tomato plants with pea pod seeds planted in back and lettuce in front

More flowers...

Plus more flower pots in the front of the house but I didn't get pictures...

Tuesday hubby took off work to spend the day with me! We did a lot of walking, worked out at the gym and did some swimming and tried everything we could think of to induce labor...still no baby..

On Sunday it was Mother's Day and since I'm technically not a mom yet, as in baby isn't born yet, I didn't really expect to really celebrate Mother's Day. I should have known different with my extra sweet and thoughtful hubby :) 

We were exhausted on Saturday and in bed sleeping before 9pm!!! Needless to say, hubby was up by about 5am tidying up the house and making me breakfast which he brought to me in bed at 6am! Very sweet, but I was also super grateful that we had went to bed early the night before or I may have been slightly less grateful :) ha ha 

Oh! And I got a card from Hubby and Baxter and a cute picture frame that says "Mom" with a picture of Baxter! LOVE IT! 

PLUS another card from Christian. Too cute! 

We then served in children's ministry at church all morning. After church hubby took me shopping and we bought a ton of beautiful flowers and plants for my patio garden along with some new matching pots! I was sooo excited! If I remember right, we ended the day with a long walk. Hubby is so good to me :) I'm a lucky lady and Christian is going to be one lucky boy to call him daddy!

Everything loaded in the car after our shopping spree!

Hope you are all having a great week! 

39 Week Bumpdate coming soon!!! 

As of Sunday we have been in the single digits until Christian's due date! 

As of today, only 6 days to go! Hopefully :) 

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