Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Day in the Life .... Pre Baby

As pregnancy has slowly been coming to an end, I have been told more than once that I will never remember what my life is like now once I have kids here. 

Sooo....I'm taking some time to write it down and reflect on what my days look like. 

In general, here is a weekly outline:

Monday - Blog day, work on writing blog posts for the week
Tuesday - Couponing, plan meals for the week, and make grocery list
Wednesday - Grocery shopping (and usually Dr. appt day), 7:30pm HS Youth Group at Church
Thursday - Laundry and cleaning day, 6:30pm Small Group
Friday - Usually a social day, meet up with friends and relax

DAILY Timeline: 

8:00am- Wake up (on my own), lay in bed, check facebook and email, read devotions
8:30am- Get out of bed, have breakfast, read blogs, do dishes, tidy up house
9:30am- Shower and get ready for the day
10:30am- Work on daily tasks
12pm- Lunch
1pm- Take Baxter for a walk
2pm- Work on daily tasks, read and enjoy the afternoon
4/5pm- Start making dinner
6pm- Eat dinner
7pm- Time with hubby - go for a walk, watch tv, play games and relax
10/11pm- Bed time!

My days are really quite laid back! 

I also came across this fun list on the Bump - 10 Things I Wish I Did Before Babies.

1. Sleep in late - Do it almost daily now in preparation for Baby Christian!

2. Live by myself - Did it August 2011 - August 2012. One full year of independence! 

3. Travel More - I think ever since meeting my husband my traveling has increased...trips to NY to visit his family, NYC just because, and Chicago, oh and can't forget our time in Florida and the Bahamas for our honeymoon! 

4. Spend an entire Sunday lounging - We actually do this quite regularly...after church that is. 

5. Relax at the beach - We did it all last summer and I did it the whole summer before that...and we just finished doing it on our honeymoon last summer too! 

6. Take off on a weekend adventure - Hubby and I did this once while dating...and I think I did it a lot during my single years

7. Go on more dates with my husband - We go on lots of dates, but I think we will always wish we went on more! 

8. Pursue a master's degree - I did this for a full year. Actually, my class is now about to graduate! Kinda sad, but I don't want to be a marriage and family therapist anyway. Congrats to them, though! 

9. Have sex - whenever and wherever we want! - I would say we did this on our honeymoon...and that was the end of that! ha ha 

10. Drive cross country - Can't say we have done this...but I forsee it in our child filled future. I loved road trips as a kid! 

How has your life changed since kids? What do you wish you would have done before babies?

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Yeah you can definitely cross off the sleeping part when little Christian arrives! I have to say... I worked right up until Grace was born, but sleep is the only thing I miss! And I think that will last for many more years to come!


Life has def changed but I don't really remember it before. My every concern is the kids. Even on date night in my mind I am wondering if they are being good, having fun, and so many other things. Sometimes I think I miss the quite but then when it is quite I wonder why. Lol I def choose different restaurants because some atmospheres are just not kid friendly whether its too quite of a setting or too rowdy. But there isn't much that I wish I had done more of. We still go for car rides and I have relearned how to make mommy time!!! But the biggest change is I feel my life is more fulfilled and purposeful.

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