Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Source: Google

So often, as Valentine's Day rolls around, we immediately think about our romantic we have one? Are we single? Married? Desperately seeking someone? In a committed relationship?

For the majority of my teenage years, I know these were where most of my thoughts went around this time of year. Does my crush like me? Will he send me flowers? Will anyone send me flowers or show that they like me today? Besides my mom that is...I could always count on her.

My sophomore year of high school, my perspective was changed. I was attending a Christian youth conference with my youth group at the Target Center in Minnesota - Acquire the Fire. Coincidentally we were there on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2004. I can't believe its already been 9 years since that day. What exactly the speaker shared on that day, I don't exactly remember. But I remember him talking about Valentine's Day and that forever Jesus has loved me and pursues me. He wants to know me more and wants me to come to him. Having grown up in the Lutheran Church, knowing that Jesus died on the cross for my sins wasn't really a new concept, but understanding this in a more personal way was very new to me. It was at this conference that I truly first accepted Christ and began to understand what his love for me meant. I wanted my "treasure" to be with him. Thank you Micah Tawlks! Not sure what happened to this band but I miss them!

I have been listening to this song on repeat the last few days, reminiscing in my first experience in understanding Jesus. Forever from that day, Jesus truly would be "My Valentine". He really is everyone's Valentine, but it holds extra special meaning for me.

It was several years later after this Valentine's Day that my good friend Rachel and I spent Valentine's Day together as single ladies in college. We knew Jesus would always be our first love, but longed to know an earthly love as well. So we did what most young, naive girls do...we made a check list for our potential future husbands. Little did I know, that God would grant me that check list in my future husband 2 years later!

So today I am reflecting on not only who I have come to know Jesus as over the past 9 years, but also on how he has so blessed me as I will be spending Valentine's Day this year with my husband of almost 6 months! I don't know what I would do without this man. I love him so much and he is so good to me. God knew what he was doing when he blessed me with him because he is more than a list could ever show and more than I could have known I would want or need.

Praying that my love for him will not be of my own strength alone, but be an overflow of the love I have experienced in Christ.

Oh and Jim was a package deal so I'm lucky enough to get to snuggle and love on this cutie this year too!

Crazy to think that next year we will have one more little love to love on :) Can't wait to meet Christian James in about 96 days give or take!!! Love him already!

"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19


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