Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Finding joy. How do you do it? Sometimes, in the hustle bustle of life, it is easy to forget to really slow down and really count our blessings and be happy for all that we do have going for us. Yes, we usually remember to do this one day a year on Thanksgiving, but shouldn't we be doing it so much more often? And what would be the results if we did?

Today at Mommy In the Making, it is Thankful Thursday! A reminder for me to count my blessings. Here are just some of the things I am thankful for this week:

Our cute little puppy who is running around the house 
shaking his toy like he is goingto destroy it...and probably will eventually. Toys don't last long at our house.

(Hubby dying Easter eggs last year...he was having so much fun 
and so excited! He is going to be an AWESOME daddy!) 

My cute hubby who is a goofball and makes me laugh and sometimes annoys me so luckily he doesn't work from home ALL day every day :) But so blessed that he works so hard for us and that I can stay home as we wait for our baby boy to arrive! 3 months to go!

This pretty mama - my cousin Danielle! We were born only a month apart 25 years ago. And now here we both are...pregnant ourselves! She is due next week, I believe and I am due in May and we are both having boys! So while we won't be living in the same state and our boys won't be able to go to school together, they hopefully will be close and become good friends like their mamas did! 

Profile view of Baby Christian sucking his thumb. So cute! 

His face! With arms up next to his head. 

And I can't forget how thankful I am for the little boy growing in my belly! As unfun as this pregnancy has been, I can't wait to meet our little man. Love him so much already! 

Well, time to tackle the and laundry day here. 

What are you thankful for this week?

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Chandelle thank you for stopping by my site and leaving a comment! Congrats on your little boy! How sweet are those ultrasound pictures?! I'm definitely thankful for my little girl, I can't believe how fast pregnancy goes by!

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