Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Madness

Source: Google

Even as a housewife, I have come to not quite look forward to Mondays. While I don't dread them in the same way as I did when I was working, I do know that Monday means its back to work and getting stuff done around the house...AKA "Getting Ready For Baby" which honestly is a little fun too! 

{The Weather} Much less snowy. Traffic seems to be moving along pretty good again. About 23 degrees right now but feels like 8 degrees. Not sure that its going to be warm enough to walk Baxter today. Poor puppy. Still need to shovel off the patio today too. 

{Funny Story} My husband is on staff at our church and works in children's ministry part time. Every other weekend he teaches the preschool class during church. Now that my morning sickness has subsided nearly completely and I am feeling much better, I have started to help him out on his weekends. This weekend was my first time helping. As we were playing a game at the end of the time together, one of the little girls looks up at me and says point blank "Why is your belly so big??" Oh from the mouths of babes :) While I could have told her I swallowed a watermelon seed, I explained in all honesty that there is a baby growing inside. She seemed satisfied with that. Definitely kept me laughing for awhile! 

{Weekly Menu} Since staying home, I have come to realize that "menu planning" in a structured, detailed way is not for me. I enjoy planning our meals, but don't want to be locked in to having a specific meal on a specific day. So instead, I now may weekly menu lists instead. Each day I decide what I feel like cooking and what sounds good. No pressure to make anything. And when hubby cooks instead, he can look at the list and see what he is up for. So here is what we will be having this week, in no particular order: 
  • Broccoli Soup
  • Ravioli
  • Turkey Burgers
  • Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese
  • Steak Stir Fry 
  • Fajitas 
  • Steak and Sweet Potatoes for Valentine's Day! 
{My To-Do List} My list of things that need to get done before baby gets here is getting shorter by the week, but I still have a lot I would like to accomplish. Here is what I am hoping to get done this week: 
  1. Sew our bedroom comforter where it has gotten a few rips 
  2. Make a template for our baby shower invites for my dear friend Amy to use 
  3. Organize our giant stack of pictures from the past year and a half 
  4. Print pictures from the past year and a half to add to our collection of memories
  5. Work on our "Before You Were Here" book that we are making for baby Christian 
Of course there will be the weekly things that just always need to get done as well: 
  • Grocery shopping 
  • Couponing 
  • Clean the house 
  • Laundry 
{Weekly Words of Wisdom} 
"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." ~ Proverbs 16:3 



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