Wednesday, May 1, 2013

37 Week Bumpdate- FULL TERM!!!

37 Weeks, 2 Days

Size of Baby::: I think watermelon is as big as it staying there! Between 19-22 inches long and 6.5 - 7 pounds!
  • Frequent trips to the potty...both day and night! Sometimes I will go to the bathroom and then 2 minutes later I'll say to hubby "did I go to the bathroom yet??" and he will say yes and I will of course need to go again anyway
  • I've been sleeping a lot more soundly and waking up less this week
  • Had some massive swelling lately...mainly in my left ankle/leg and recently in my right wrist/hand 
Pretty nasty!! Can't wait for this to be done. 
  • Still some minor cramping in my back and lower belly but no "real" sign of contractions yet
  • Had a scare of some spotty vision, dizziness and a headache on Friday...all potentially signs of pre-eclampsia. The doctor had me come in and get my blood pressure checked and everything was fine...up a little for me but was still normal...
Cravings::: Summery drinks! 

Something I Miss::: Wine! I can't wait to have a glass! That and a Mike's Hard Lemonade! The Raspberry variety :) Yum! These warm temps are making me want summery drinks! Oh and wearing my wedding ring...I wasn't even able to get it over my knuckle to wear it for our maternity pics over the weekend :( Boo. 

Stretch Marks::: Nope! Keeping my fingers crossed!! 

Wedding Ring::: Off :( Hopefully it will be able to go back on very shortly after baby Christian is here! Don't even wear my fake any more because it just doesn't feel comfortable. 

Belly Button::: Poking out but not popped. 

  • Baby is considered full term now! Although, my doctor said they are trying to change that to be 38-39 weeks instead because mortality increases the closer baby is to due date
  • Baby's lungs will likely be mature enough to adjust to life outside the womb if born now
  • Baby boy's testes have descended into the scrotum
  • Baby continues to practice breathing, moving around, sucking his thumb, and blinking
  • Most babies will have a full head of hair by now 
  • Boys generally weigh more by now and at birth
  • Doctor appointments are now weekly and I am checked for dilation and effacement at each appointment...1 cm dilated and 50% effaced this week...
37 Week Surprise::: A Coupon Book of fun things to be used now or after baby! Coupons include trips to Nelson's in Stillwater for Ice Cream, 10 minute back rubs, a full day of diaper duty by daddy, a home cooked romantic dinner, etc. Can't wait to start using some of these! :) 

Looking Forward To::: Getting to see our maternity pics that we took over the weekend with Brittany from Beautiful Era Photography!! And finally getting to meet and hold Christian!!!!

Here are some shots hubby took of the photography taking my pics. I'll be sure to show the final product once we get the photos back :)

Posing for a silhouette  photo.

And a few sneak peaks!! 

3 Weeks!! 
20 days!!!! 
Almost in the teens and then its single digits! 
Sure has went FAST!

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You look so gorgeous! I love that last photo too :) I miss wine so very much, soon my friend soon!

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