Wednesday, May 8, 2013

38 Week Bumpdate!

38 Weeks, 1 Day 

Size of Baby::: Still about 19-22 inches long and about 7 pounds...Might get a closer idea of his weight at the ultrasound we are having this afternoon...Keep reading to learn more about that!
He is a watermelon still! Hoping not to make it to pumpkin!

  • Potty breaks like crazy 
  • SWELLING! Feet, hands, legs, face...I feel like I'm starting to look like a little chipmunk! 
  • No contractions yet :( 
Signs of Labor::: Besides starting to dilate and efface, not much! Some hip pain which my nurse told me is my hips spreading out to get the baby through, so I guess that's a good sign! No contractions yet. Not even much for Braxton Hicks any more. Baby is head down and starting to engage, though. 

Cravings::: I haven't had any major cravings this pregnancy really. Lately I have been loving watermelon....and anything sweet! I feel like I have a 24/7 PMS sweet tooth! Except when I have PMS I can give in to the craving and not gain weight...not the case during pregnancy...  

Something I Miss::: Laying on my stomach. As the weather here has gotten nicer, I have been spending a lot of time outside. On Monday my legs got quite a bit of sun....only on the fronts. Can't exactly lay on my stomach and tan the back side next! Soon enough :) Oh and painting my toenails and not having to pay someone to do it...I will not get a pedicure...I will wait! 

Stretch Marks::: Hanging in there and still NONE! Hoping I can make it these last 2-3 weeks that way! 

Wedding Ring::: Definitely off. My hands are sooo swollen too. It will actually be weird to have non-swollen feet again... 

Belly Button::: It pokes out a little bit and you can see it through my shirt, but nothing major. 

  • My uterus weighed roughly 2 ounces before now weighs around 2 and a half pounds! 
  • Baby has a firm grasp and will be able to hold our fingers when he is born! 
  • If baby has brown eyes when he is born, they will likely stay brown. If they are steel gray or dark blue, they may stay gray or blue or turn hazel, green or brown
  • Baby just continues to grown and fatten up...all of his organs are ready to go!
  • Still 1 cm dilated
38 Week Surprise::: A single red rose and card...and a bag full of things to "induce" labor or help strengthen my uterus...pineapple, bananas, dates, twizzlers, red raspberry leaf tea, far, nothing ha ha 

Looking Forward to::: Bringing Christian home. Labor being done and just starting our life as a family of "4" including the Bax man of course! Oh and going on a diet! Can't wait!!! I've never been more excited in my life to diet! ha ha OH! And hopefully getting to wear my wedding ring again soon! Basically getting back/getting to do all the things I have missed this whole pregnancy :) Ooooo but before all that...I'm excited for my massage I'm getting on Friday! Maybe I can get them to rub my ankles at the spot that is supposed to put you in labor :) ha ha But first....

Dr. Update::: So if you have been following my updates, you have seen the picture of my ugly, swollen feet.... Well, they are still pretty swollen, as are my hands and legs and now my face. I look like a little chipmunk! At my appointment this morning I had also gained a crazy 6 pounds in 1 week!!! EEEK!!! My blood pressure is also up...its higher than normal in general but I usually have slightly lower blood pressure so its extra high for me. My doctor did some blood tests which he is checking on, but no protein in my urine. However, with all the other symptoms, its pointing to pre pre-eclampsia. I'm going for a biophysical ultrasound today at 12:15pm and they are going to check baby's breathing and blood flow and things like that. If anything looks questionable, I could be induced today! I also have another doctor appointment on Monday just in case. Normally I wouldn't go back until Wednesday. Doctor said I could end up induced next week even...Nothing to really worry about, but all new things! 

2 Weeks to go!!! 
13 days!!! 
Almost in the single digits! 
Come on, Christian!
or even next week... 

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You have the cutest maternity clothes, where have you been shopping?! <3

Momma Melly

What a fun blog to look back on. :) I wish I would have done this with my pregnancy. (My son is 5 now, and it was such a shock when I found out I was pregnant.) I'd love to do something like similar to your blog if I ever have another. Thank you for sharing! :) You're absolutely glowing, and have the perfect baby belly! I look forward to reading more. *hugs*


Congratulations! Almost there!


I cannot wait to see pics of your little man!! The end is near, I bet you are so excited!

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