Wednesday, April 3, 2013

33 Week Bumpdate!

33 Weeks, 2 Days

Size of Baby::: About 17-19 inches long now and weighs between 4 1/2 - 5 pounds. About the size of a pineapple. 

  • Swelling in fingers and ankles
  • Still getting Braxton Hicks when I go for a walk 
  • Sore feet when I have been on them all day
  • Still nauseous
  • Tired. All. of. The. Time.
  • Tingling in my hands and arms...from the swelling
Cravings::: Not really. However, I was really wanting an ice cream sandwich the other day and then the next day we had a friend over for dinner and he brought ice cream sandwiches for dessert!! :) 

Something I Miss::: Bending over easily

Stretch Marks::: Nope! :) However, my mom said she doesn't think she saw her stretch marks until AFTER she had me....hmmm...hope that's not the case

Wedding Ring::: Still off...and I think it will be staying that way. My fingers look like little sausages :( Hope I can at least get it on and off for our maternity pictures this month

Belly Button::: Pretty flat but starting to pop out. However, there isn't much there to "pop" 

  • Baby's immune system has developed and is getting antibodies from me
  • Amniotic Fluid has reached its max and there is starting to be more baby than fluid so I can feel more blunt kicks
  • Baby is opening and closing his eyes for awake and sleep time and can distinguish between day and least for now :) 
Looking Forward To:::
  • Our Level 2 ultrasound this Friday to follow up on the fluid on Christian's kidney and find out if this is going to be an issue
  • Our Birth Place tour on Saturday. We took a tour very early on in my pregnancy but are going back now that we have questions and so we can have a refresher before the big day! 

1 Month, 2 Weeks, 4 Days...
7 Weeks...
48 Days!!!!

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Becca at One Girl

You are seriously so cute and I love the new 'do'and I spy pretty polish! Did you buy a 'fake' wedding ring? I know so many friends who buy a fake ring to wear in different circumstances because they miss their rings.

Becca at One Girl

ps. many appologies for my very ADD blog comment - must re-read before hitting publish!


ha ha No you aren't too ADD :) And yes! I did buy a fingers are too swollen for the real thing :( And I'm lovin' my hair too!! At least for now :)


Lookin good!!!!! Cant wait to hear about your level 2 ultrasound!

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