Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Boy or Girl? Intelligender Gender Prediction Test

What is the first question most expecting parents are asked when they announce their pregnant? Well, okay, its actually probably "When are you due?" But right after that they are often asked, "Do you know if its a boy or a girl?" At least this was our experience. We would be asked what we were having weeks and even months before we would ever even have the chance to find out our baby's sex at our 1 and only ultrasound.

Knowing if we were having a boy or a girl was one of our first points of curiosity too! We knew right away that we would want to find out. Of course, we just wanted a healthy baby and didn't really care one way or another, but knowing the baby's sex would help us to prepare more...buying clothes, picking a name and even calling baby by name.

At our very first doctor appointment, we learned that we would get 1 ultrasound during our pregnancy (unless more were medically necessary) and that 1 ultrasound would be scheduled at 20 weeks. Of course we figured out when I would be 20 weeks right away! January 1st...which would be a holiday and AFTER Christmas :( We had hoped we would know before Christmast to be able to tell our family in person.

Around the time that I was between 14-16 weeks (I can't remember exactly when), I came across an article in one of my pregnancy magazines. The article talked about an early gender test that could be done at home! It was called Intelligender. Too good to be true we thought! But we still couldn't resist the temptation of trying it out. That night, hubby went to Babies R Us and bought us a test while I was at church.

Hubby also did a lot of online research about the accuracy of the test. The test has been proven to be nearly 90% accurate when done with the first morning's urine. "How does the test even work?" you might be wondering. Well, Intelligender's Gender Prediction test is a simple urine analysis. It is most accurate when done with the first morning's urine. All you do is pee in a cup, seal the lid, swirl the cup, and wait 10 minutes while the cup sits on a flat surface. If the urine turns green, it's a boy, if it turns orange, it's a girl!

And get this, the test can be done as early as 10 weeks! 

We are in the 90% accurate category! Between 14 and 16 weeks, we took the test! Before testing, I was CONVINCED we were having a girl. I had been having dreams that it was a girl. We did technically do the test with my first morning's urine, but it was probably around 3am! I woke up REALLY having to go and so we decided to just do the test then! And voila! It was green! Because I was so convinced that we were having a girl, I wasn't too sure that the test was going to prove to be accurate. But fast forward about 3-4 weeks and we had an ultrasound done in NYC that confirmed we were indeed having a boy! 

When we first did the Intelligender Gender Prediction Test, I was a little disappointed, mainly because I was SO convinced we were having a girl that I had started to imagine having a girl. Some people, however, are team green and choose not to find out the sex of their baby. For some of you, this might be fun! In some ways I wish I could be that patient. But in other ways, I can see that it could lead to disappointment. Jenni, mom of 3 from Jenni From the Blog, shared about her thoughts on being team green in one of her blog posts. She chose to be team green for one of her pregnancies and realized that at the birth of her child, she was actually disappointed in the sex because she was morning the loss of the idea of the other sex. I can completely see this! I just want a healthy baby, and honestly, was really even hoping our first would be a boy. But even just in the few weeks that I had imagined a girl, I was disappointed that it was a boy. I can't imagine not finding out at all and imagining for that much longer!

Finding out the gender at nearly 90% accuracy as early as 10 weeks was definitely fun and something I would do again! But I probably wouldn't go out shopping until my ultrasound confirmed it :)

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