Monday, April 29, 2013

KTIS Family Reunion Finalists!

If you are from Minnesota and listen to Christian radio, you are probably familiar with KTIS.  Every spring, this radio station holds a contest for a "Family Reunion" to take place at their Joyful Noise Family Fest in June. 

Families submit entries about themselves and what a family reunion would mean to them. The entries are then narrowed down to the radio station's top 5 families. This year, my hubby entered our family and we are now one of the top 5! 

Our story aired on KTIS last week. Now this week, voting has begun. Listeners can go to and vote for the family that they would like to see win the family reunion. 

Here is what is included in the prize: 

20 round trip domestic flights 
10 hotel rooms 
50 tickets to Joyful Noise on Saturday, June 8th
A tent with a catered meal at Joyful Noise

I may have mentioned this before, but hubby is from upstate New York and all of his family is still there. He is very close to his family and talks to them often. However, we don't get to see them as often. Now, with a baby on the way, it has been even harder to create a connection for Baby Christian to his family in New York. 

Because we go to a big church, baptisms are only done every couple of months and they are large group baptisms, not individual. Knowing that we wanted to baptize Christian right away, we scheduled his baptism far in advance and already know that he will be baptized the morning of Saturday, June 8th...the same day as the family reunion! 

It would mean so much to my hubby and me (and Christian too!) for our New York Family (and some of my out of state extended family) to be able to meet Christian soon after his birth and be able to share in his baptism. This Family Reunion is not only a once in a life time opportunity but so is Christian's baptism and he will only be a baby for so long. 

Please feel free to share this with your family and friends! Help us win the family reunion and be able to share Christian's baptism with our whole family! 

Please visit KTIS online to read more about our story, listen to our interview, and vote for us (The Foote Family)! Winners will be chosen by the end of the week, so please vote now! 

Thank you so much for your time and your vote!!! 


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