Monday, April 1, 2013

Mommy Make-Over Monday

Leading up to my wedding this past August, I had been growing my hair out so I would have lots of hair to style for the wedding. I looked something like this:

I loved my long hair, but it was lots of work to take care of, including 15 minutes of blow drying (at least) and then straightening it with a flat iron for at least 15 more minutes). 

Right after we got back from our honeymoon, I chopped it off and it looked something like this: 

I really liked it like this, but again required blow drying and straightening. 

After I found out I was pregnant in September, I decided that the short hair was going to have to go and I should start to grow it out again so I could at least do a pony tail during labor and after baby comes. Pony tail = no time to do. However, after growing it for the past 8 months or so, my hair had gotten to that icky length right by my shoulders (I HATE this length). And I was slowly realizing that I also hate wearing pony tails and feel messy when I do. I had posted on some mommy forums and asked for opinions on whether I should just chop it all off super short or keep growing it and mostly the responses said to keep growing it...don't make any major hormonal decisions. Well, then I had lunch with a mommy friend who said she felt the same way about a pony tail. She had thought the pony tail was the way to go and then a few weeks after baby was born found herself at the salon chopping it off so she could at least feel "done" every day. That night I found myself scheduling an appointment for a haircut for the next night! 

While I still love my long, straightened hair, I'm sooo glad I decided to chop it. Here is what I look like now/some more 32 week belly pictures: 

I can get completely ready in only 30 minutes which is how long it used to take me to just do my hair! I'm hopeful to not look like a slob every day now once baby gets here! 

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LOVE the hair cut, I did the exact same thing when I was pregnant with our Bea. This time around I am keeping it long but I always pin it up. You will also love having your hair so kept and cute for your delivery photos! <3


Yay!!! Glad to hear from another experienced mama that it was a good decision! :) Thanks!

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