Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Madness

{The Weather}::: Sucks. Need I say more? It is currently only 34 degrees but feels like only 27 degrees!! On the 15th of APRIL! I'm pretty sure the saying "April Showers, Brings May Flowers" was not referring to all of the SNOW showers we have been getting! :( It is supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow, but only the 30s with rain/snow the rest of the week. Boo to that. I'm just hoping the snow is all melted by April 27th because we have our maternity pics that day and were hoping for some good "Spring" shots then!

{My To-Do List}::: 

  1. Kick this cold! And get some energy back. That is first and foremost this week. So with that said, I'll probably be spending a lot of time on the couch doing relaxing things, like blogging, catching up on my magazines which hubby said I have 3 days to read before they get tossed, and working on our honeymoon photo book 
  2. Honeymoon Photo book 
  3. It would be great to finally finish our "Before You Were Here" Book too 
  4. Double check to make sure our hospital bag is all ready to go
{What's Cooking?}::: Tonight for dinner I think we will be having grilled chicken salads...that's as far as I'm planning any more. Probably having stirfry sometime this week too. I need to find energy to cook real food again. 

{Weekly Goals}:::
  • Relax and kick this cold! 
{Weekly Words of Wisdom}::: Check out the songs I shared in my Burning Lights Tour post :) 

Hope you have a healthy and happy week! 

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