Monday, April 8, 2013

Doctor Update!

If you have been following along, you know from my last "Doctor Update" that we were sent for a level 2 ultrasound to check on Christian's kidneys. 

The ultrasound was last Friday and I was beyond nervous. 

I as stated in my last update, my doctor wasn't really concerned and the fluid on the kidneys was the only indication that anything might be wrong. The ultrasounds had previously shown everything else to be normal. 

But a mama is still going to worry. 

We got to the ultrasound on Friday and the nurse seemed super secretive asking me what I was told we were sent to the ultrasound for...which just made me think, did they not tell me the truth!?!? No worries. I was on the same page :) We just needed to look at the kidneys. 

The ultrasound tech was super nice and this was the first medical ultrasound that I was actually able to even see! The whole thing was displayed on a large flatscreen in front of me. No craning my neck trying to get a peak this time. 

The tech also did a great job of telling us exactly what she was doing and looking for the whole time. Christian was checked from head to toe! From the fluid surrounding his brain, to the size of his head, the chambers of his heart, his placenta, whether or not he had a cleft lip...and of course how much fluid was on his kidneys. 

Some fluid on the kidneys is normal. There is no cause for concern if there is anywhere between 4 and 7 mL. Christian has barely traceable amounts on his right kidney and 5 mL on his left. Which is considered perfect, normal and healthy :) 

Not only did we get the clear for his kidneys, but he is all around healthy! I left as a happy mama as the Doctor told me "Continue with your healthy pregnancy" :) 

Christian also is now measuring pretty close to right on track. Apparently he just had a growth spurt before. I was 33 weeks 3 days at the ultrasound and Christian measured 33 weeks 5 days and 5 pounds. Perfect :) 

Thanks everyone for all of the prayers! 

Oh...and we got another sneak peak at him in 3D! He is definitely more squished in there now...his feet are almost covering his face! 

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Oh thank goodness! Wonderful news! <3

Becca at One Girl

Look at Christian's cute little noise so cute & button like :)

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