Monday, April 22, 2013

Music Monday

After sharing some songs last week, I've decided to start a 'Music Monday' post! Check back every Monday for an inspirational song. 

Check out this oldie, but goodie! It was my theme song my senior year of college in 2009. 

Robbie Seay Band - Song of Hope 

I was really involved in a Christian Organization called 'Intervarsity Christian Fellowship' during college. The semester that I graduated, I was recognized at a Large Group gathering along with all of the other graduating seniors. We all got to pick our favorite worship song to be played during the worship time. This was the song I picked. 

Just a few weeks ago, it was my prayer that God would make himself known to me and how he has been present in my life. 

I help with the high school youth group at my church called Catalyst. It was during the worship time at Catalyst a few weeks ago that this song was played. It's not exactly one of the 'regulars' and I haven't heard it since! 

It was such a great reminder to me that during my time of hopelessness as I was graduating and entering the real world  and my plans weren't playing out as expected, that God was near me and at work. He came down and put the desires of my heart into a plan, but in His timing and it was perfect. 

I had always thought that I would graduate and get married and start a family right away. I just wanted to be a wife and a mom. But God had other plans for me. He had some work to do in my and my future hubby before we were ready for each other. 

About 2 years after I graduated, I met my future husband. He had moved to Minnesota from New York and I had moved to Minnesota from Wisconsin. We both had gone through a lot of refining and were ready for each other. God had come done and had been with me through all of that...through every season and is with me now. 

Such an encouraging thought for me this week as I think about all that is to come for our little family! 

I know God is with you this week too! What are you trusting Him for? 

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