Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

I can't believe I have been given a Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Erica over at Something Like a Fairytale!
I just checked, and my first blog post was on Saturday, July 24, 2010 back when my blog was titled "Balancing Bethel and Believing in the Best". Back when nobody even knew my blog existed. Back when I was blogging only for me. 

Since then, things have really changed! This blog has grown with me through many seasons of life and has withheld the transitions. From being a blog about balance during my hectic season of life as a student in seminary to what it is now at "Mommy in the Making" as I'm living a dream come true! 

It's only been in the past few months that I have even been regularly blogging. I still blog a lot for myself, but hope that others can find something helpful in my thoughts too! I feel so honored to have been given this award!! 

So the rules are...

1) Display award logo on blog 

2) Link back to the person who gave you the award

3) State 7 things about yourself 

4) Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link back to them too

5) Leave a comment on each of the nominated blogs letting them know they have been nominated

7 Things About Me! 

1) If this is your first time stopping by, you probably don't know I'm going to be a mama! Only 22 days until his due date!!! 

2) We are having a honeymoon baby! Hubby and I were married on August 18, 2012 and found out we were expecting exactly 4 weeks later! 

3) I grew up in a really small town in Wisconsin...can you say "moo"? If your family didn't farm, you probably knew at least a handful that did. My graduating high school class had 31 students. Now I live in the suburbs in Minnesota where I can easily go out and not see anyone I know all day long...soooo not possible in good ole Cornell, WI. 

4) My faith is really important to me. I believe Jesus died for my sins and it is because of Him that I can live abundantly and eternally. My hubby and I are really involved at our church, Hosanna! and lead a couples small group at our house on Thursday nights. 

5) Hubby and I are already "parents" to an almost 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier...Baxter

6) I stopped working when I was 15 weeks pregnant due to terrible morning sickness and a stressful job.  I'm going to be a stay at home mommy now in less than a month! Can't wait to be with our little boy 24/7...and hopefully get some me time sometimes too! 

7) I met my hubby on when I wasn't really even looking to date...You can read more about this here

Also Nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award...

Posts from all of these blogs can never come often enough! I love hearing their thoughts and perspectives on life, faith, family, and parenting! Check them out :) Maybe you will be inspired by them too!

A BIG THANK YOU again to Something Like A Fairytale!!! I definitely would have nominated you too if you hadn't already nominated me! 

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Thanks for nominating me! I hope you are enjoying the last few days of pregnancy, I already miss my bump! x x

Hena Tayeb

congratulations on being a mama soon!

April McCormick

Your blog is freaking cute!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Thank you so much!


THANKS everyone! :)

22 days! How very wonderful! Thank you for the shout out and again congrats on a very well deserved award! <3


Thank you for nominating me! I feel very honored that you would think of me! I had a lot of fun writing it!

Ruthie Hart

You are so sweet my friend... I have really appreciated all your comments and prayers on my blog and I am so honored to be mentioned today! I can't ever reply to your comments since your email address isn't in your profile :-( but please know how happy it makes me to hear from you! I love that your baby is a honeymoon baby !!! We sure did have some fun on our HM... crazy thing we are due on our 2.5 year anniversary!! So excited for you to be a SAHM... me too! Counting down the days haha

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