Wednesday, April 17, 2013

35 Week Bumpdate!

35 Weeks, 1 Day

Size of Baby::: Still about the size of a cantaloupe, I guess? These fruit sizes make no sense to me... Still about 19 to 22 inches long. He is about done growing lengthwise so he will stay in this range until delivery day. Also weighs about 6 pounds now. He should continue to gain about a half a pound per week.

  • Nightly trips to the potty at least twice a night...
  • Some "oops" moments when I sneeze and pee my pants...yep. That's fun. 
  • Constant fatigue
  • Constant movement. All day long!! 
  • Still swelling. My fingers look like sausages. 
  • Braxton hicks
  • Some mild cramping/contractions? or maybe just more braxton hicks
Cravings::: Chocolate. Especially in ice Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream. YUM! Note to self: Edy's Fudge Brownie Ice Cream does NOT taste like Ben and Jerry's...take the splurge!

Something I Miss::: Everything. Feeling attractive. Red wine.

Stretch Marks::: Natta!

Wedding Ring::: Off.

Belly Button::: Poking out a little.

  • Baby has about reached his maximum height for in utero
  • Baby's weight is now at about 15% body fat and will continue to grow to about 30%
  • If baby were to be born now, he would probably do quite well, with little to no long-term health issues
  • Baby's kidneys are completely developed and his liver is functional and capable of processing waste products
  • Nearly all of baby's major organs should be nearly complete
  • My uterus now reaches up to my rib cage
  • Baby Christian really enjoys calm, relaxing music like Baby Beethoven! 

Can't forget all the cute pictures with Baxter lately too! :) 

Bax: "Hey, mom...what's up with this belly??"

We also were able to celebrate Christian with hubby's team at work yesterday. Check out this fun, super cute diaper cake they made for us! Christian now owns his very first "Best Buy" item! See the sippy cup? 

Looking Forward To::: Snuggling Christian! And introducing him to our family and friends! Especially at his baptism in June! I help with the baptisms at church which are held every other month and the April baptisms are done...bring on June!

1 Month, 5 Days 
5 Weeks
35 Days!!!! 
Until Christian is due!
(maybe more, maybe less before he is HERE!)

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You look wonderful!!! Baxter is so cute touching your belly with his paws. How adorable.


Thanks :) I think Baxter is going to be a good big brother! :)


You have the cutest bump! <3


Awe, thanks Darcy! :)

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