Wednesday, April 24, 2013

36 Week Bumpdate!

36 Weeks, 2 Days

Size of Baby::: About 19-22 inches and 6.5 pounds! Finally at a watermelon!!!

Symptoms::: Not much of a change from last week, 35 weeks.
  • Nightly trips to the potty seem to become more frequent 
  • Waking up to roll over at night
  • Constant fatigue
  • Constant movement all day long! Kinda fun :) And kinda weird at the same time...
  • Swelling still here 
  • Not many Braxton Hicks this week so far
  • Lots of cramping in my back and lower belly
  • Starting to get some "lightning crotch" where I feel sharp pains down below as baby pushes down on my cervix and moves more into position. This is a good sign! 
Cravings::: Not really. Nothing new anyway.

Something I Miss::: Sleeping on my belly. Rolling over while sleeping without needing to wake up to do so. Sleeping through the night...although that won't be changing for awhile...

Stretch Marks::: Still Zero!! Fingers crossed!

Wedding Ring::: Still off but going to try to squeeze it on for a little bit for our maternity pics on Saturday

Belly Button::: Still mainly flat but poking out a little...

  • Baby growth is slowing down now so he will be able to fit through the narrow passage to the outside world
  • Baby's circulatory system is perfected by now
  • Baby's immune system is matured enough to protect him in the outside world
  • Baby's bones have been storing calcium and are becoming stronger but still remain flexible to help him maneuver through the birth canal
  • Body will begin to absorb some of the amniotic fluid decreasing the amount of room baby has to move and his movements will feel smaller
  • Baby continues to pack on the pounds and gains about an ounce a day
  • Baby is shedding most of the downy hair that covers his body, as well as the vernix caseosa (the waxy substance that protects baby's skin)
  • Baby will be considered FULL TERM by the end of this week!!! :) 
  • Our family is one of the 5 finalists in the KTIS Family Reunion airing on 98.5 KTIS this week! One family is going to win a family reunion with 20 paid flights, 10 hotel rooms and 50 tickets the Joyful Noise Family Fest in June...the weekend that Christian is getting baptized! Would be so perfect so Jim's family from NY could join us and maybe some of my extended family too! Check out our story online and listen to our interview by clicking here. Voting takes place next week! Here are some of the pictures we took to go on the website eventually.

36 Week Surprise::: A prenatal massage!! Eeek! Sounds so relaxing! I've never had a massage, though, so I'm nervous! ha ha Scheduled for Friday, May 10th! 

Looking Forward To::: Our maternity pics this Saturday! Hope they go well and I don't look like a beached whale... 

4 weeks...
27 days!!! 
Can't wait to meet you, Christian!!! 

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