Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Madness

{The Weather}::: Crazy? Yep. That about sums it up! Spring in Minnesota, I tell ya! We are under a 'Winter Weather Warning' starting at 7pm tonight until 7am tomorrow! 6-9 inches of snow expected! And THEN near 60/70 by the end of the week! Crazy, I tell ya! Just crazy!

{My To-Do List}::: Looking back at last week, I actually got most of my to-do list done! :) YAY! Going on 2 weeks of fighting this cold, but I finished our Honeymoon Photo Book and finalized our hospital bag! I'll be posting about that soon too!

Now...on to this week!

  1. Make clothes dividers for Baby Christian's closet to divide his clothes by sizes
  2. Maybe FINALLY finish The 'Before You Were Here' Book!! Baby is going to be here soon so this NEEDS to get finished soon! 
  3. Get a good start on our wedding photo book 

{What's Cooking?}::: I actually did really well at following my list of cooking options last week! I can't remember what I actually made! Ooops. Well, here is what we are hopefully going to eat this week!

{Weekly Words of Wisdom}::: Has become "Music Monday". Check it out!

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Momma Melly

Snow!!! Yikes!!! We JUST got rid of it, and I was complaining. I hope the storm passes by quickly and clears up. :)

Your lists are great! Your so organized. (I should learn from you haha!)

Happy Tuesday,


Thanks, Melly! Kinda helps give me a fresh start and perspective for the week :) Sitting here staring at piles and piles of snow...but temps forecasted in the 40s today and 70s by the weekend, so I have hope! It's hard to be annoyed about it, too, when its actually really pretty!! ha ha

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