Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Madness

{The Weather}::: Cloudy and dreary...but its in the 40s!!! High of 53 degrees today. I'll take it! Looks pretty icky all week, though. Highs in the mid to upper 30s and rain...even SNOW on Thursday! :( BOO! Looks like we might have spring back next week though!

{The Menu}::: I've stopped planning "menus" per se. No meal plans this week. We have food on hand to make several things. Tonight I'm hoping hubby will grill us some chicken and I'll make us some veggies for him to grill and maybe some sweet potatoes too!

{My To-Do List}::: This week is an appointment week. Still hoping to get some things done, though.


  • Monday - Dentist 
  • Tuesday - Healthy Pregnancy Session at Hubby's work 
  • Wednesday - 34 week Doctor Appointment 
  • Friday - Discipleship lunch with a friend 
Main Project/s: 
  • Finish our "Before You Were Here" Book for Christian 
  • Keep working on Christian's Baby Book 
  • Start making photo book of our Honeymoon
  • Paint legs of hamper to match Christian's room 

{Weekly Goals}::: I only walked and read the Bible 2 days last week... :( Hoping to improve that this week!

{Words of Wisdom}::: AND still haven't memorized my verse from the last 2 weeks...I think that's a sign that I'm not living this verse out...
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." ~Matthew 6:33

What are you up to this week? Whatever it is....

Make it a great one! 

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Becca at One Girl

That sounds like a tasty meal - don't tell but I'm scared of grilling :(


Grilling makes me a bit nervous too...that's why Jim does it :) Plus, he says Men gril...women cook! LOL

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